CFP Core Beliefs

CFP's Core Values

At CFP, we don’t just talk the talk – we have set out to prove our worth to clients by walking a path guided by core principles. These principles keep us focused, united, innovative, and driven to be the best company we can be while giving back to the community.

We Believe In ...


Being brave enough to look at the brutal reality of the situation.


A healthy work-life balance for all employees and stakeholders. This includes the true reasons why we work.


Making good on the commitments we make to our funding partners.


Helping our customers profitably grow by repeatedly using our products and services.


Having an open and secure work environment free of political pressure.


Asking others:

  • To regularly check our work for errors
  • For help to strategically work together to meet challenges
  • For constructive feedback in helping us do our jobs better


Communicating face-to-face or voice-to-voice as much as possible.


Using the latest technology and strategies to maximize effectiveness.


Giving back to the community to make our world better.